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This is the way the bunny hops


This is the way the bunny hops,
Hop hop hop,
Hop, hop, hop
This is the way the bunny hops
On Easter day!
This is the way he wiggles his
Wiggle. wiggle, wiggle,
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
This is the way the bunny
wiggles his nose
On Easter day!
This is the way he flops his
Flop, flop, flop.
Flop, flop, flop
This is the way he flops his ears
On Easter day!

This is the way he shakes his
Shake, shake, shake,
Shake, shake, shake
This is the way he shakes his
On Easter day!
This is the way the bunny hops,
Hop hop hop,
Hop, hop, hop
This is the way the bunny hops
On Easter day!
On Easter day!

This is the way the bunny hops

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