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Christmas ABC’s


N for the Nowells we sing
A is for Animals who shared the
Christmas night.
O for the Oxen, the first to
B for the Babe with their
adore Him.
manger for cradle.
C for the Carols so blithe and so P for the Presents Wise Men laid
before Him.
D for December, the twenty-fifth Q for the Quiet this peaceful
night brings us.
E for the Evening when we’re all R for the Reindeer leaping the
so excited.
F for the Fun when the tree’s at S for the Stockings that Santa
Claus stuffs.
last lighted.
T for the Toys, the Tinsel, the
G is the Goose which you all
know is fat.
U is for Us-the whole family.
H is the Holly you stick in your
V is for visitors bringing us
I for the Ivy that clings to the
W is Welcome to the Happy
New Year!
J is for Jesus, the cause of it all.
X, Y, Z
K for the Kindness begot by this
bother me! All I can say,
Is this is the end of my
L is the light shining way in the
Christmas play.
So, now to you all, wherever
M for the Mistletoe, all green
you be,
and white.
A merry, merry Christmas,
and many more may you see!

Christmas ABC’s

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