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Halloween is coming soon


Halloween is coming soon, coming soon, coming
Halloween is coming soon,
Oh, what fun!
Black cats sitting on a fence, on a fence, on a
Black cats sitting on a fence,
Meow! Meow! Meow!
Owl’s a-hooting in the trees, in the trees, in the
Owl’s a-hooting in the trees,
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
Witches flying on their brooms, on their brooms,
on their brooms,
Witches flying on their brooms,
Eee! Eee! Eee!
Jack o’lanterns grin at you, grin at you, grin at
Jack o’lanterns grin at you,
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Halloween is coming soon, coming soon, coming
Halloween is coming soon,
Oh, what fun!

Halloween is coming soon

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